Faith A&M Charter Institute Provide students access to academics via virtual learning, faith teaching, athletics, and music. Faith A&M Charter Institute accepts at-risk students 13-18 years old from public, private, charter, and home schools that otherwise may not be afforded the opportunity to develop the qualities of faith teaching, academics, athletic sportsmanship, discipline, and teamwork, Our organization promotes these characteristics within the framework of faith morals. Faith A&M Charter Institute also offers mentoring, elective preparing training classes that allow every student participation, and enjoyment of youth athletics and music especially in a safe and family context.”
Our Commitment
Increase retention rates
Increase graduation rates
Foster a climate of support
Facilitate pursuit towards high school diploma
Provide mentorships program for our student

Help Supply Lunch For Students
We would like for parents to help with providing school lunch for the students attending the program.
Help recruit new
Students into the
We would like for parents who have students in the program to refer other parents and students to join the Golden Hornets Family.